
Ms. Satu Hamalainen, AB  FIFE  ( Finland )

Ms. Nina Grinakovskaya , AB  WCF (Kazakhstan )

Ms.  Tatyana Deulenko,  AB WCF ( Russia )


Lilith Amulet (Lilechka) SIA e21 (co-owner Svetlana Cheliatidi ) got  two CAC  and  Nom Bis  from Ms. Hamalainen and Ms. Grinakovskaya.

Courtoise Amulet (Shokoladina) SIA b  - 2 CACIB  from Ms. Hamalainen and Ms. Deulenko and  Nom Bis from Russian judge. 

Bayard East Wind*RU  SIA n – CAGCIB  from Ms. Deulenko. 

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